I was thinking about her while walking on the treadmill and getting into situations where life comes and goes: if festivities are bound to happen and or you have insane cravings
TIP #1
Create a buffer or eat to defend against overfeeding
- Humans are wired funny; we find our favorite treat and we take a few bites and it is so yummy, pleasing, makes you feel happy. EVEN IF WE ARE FULL we will be sure to stuff down that food regardless if we ate enough food that day.
- Suggestions: Eat lighter throughout the day leading to the festivity. Just a salad, lean meats, plenty of fibrous veggies. Before the festivity; DON'T neglect food volume, meaning eat plenty of veggies with some fat for taste and a piece of protein. SAVE THE CAKES, LIQUID TREATS for the end, you will not eat as much!
TIP #2
In addition, dieting doesn't help; your body hates it.
- Your body possesses hormones that will cause you to crave sweets or things of that nature because it knows your trying to withhold food intake or it's sending warning signals that your beginning to use your own stores (BODY FAT). There's obviously many reasons why the body does what it does but in the context of what I speak of (dieting) this applies. This is why the cake won't stand a chance. Body will conquer mind because it means SURVIVAL.
- When you starve, deprive, or whatever you want to call it; hormones shoot up and down to regulate the bodies systems.
- Your body is constantly trying to balance itself.
- http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/muscle-gain/calorie-partitioning-part-2.html
- Lyle McDonald gives a great table of reference of what happens in the body during Over-feeding and Under-feeding
- For example: Why do we get sick? You get sick because your body turned on it's defense systems to fight the imbalance and you feel the need to rest for recovery. Your body, believe it or not does the same with dieting. Things down regulate to keep it alive and if it didn't, we would die. Understand you won't die from dieting or something horrible will happen; it just can suck sometimes.
- Dieting fights and HITS the psychological part of our human nature more than we can comprehend; I promise.
Is it just simply; tough it out and go big or go home? Self-Mastery/temperance over the body?
Three Simple Steps
1. The W's
- Why? When? How? Who? What? Where?
- This applies to everything. Who will be giving you food? Where will the best food be (parties, outings, etc.)? What is causing me to overeat? Why am I doing this? Why do I care about my appearance? Why do I allow others to shoot me down or judge me for my goals? How will I stay firm to my goals and remove the fear? When is the time I will exercise that is most conducive to making it work? When is the next festivity or obstacle? Plan, Plan, PLAN!
- Your changing the appearance of your body; it just doesn't happen, takes work.
2. Resolve Conflicts
- If your in the middle of a crisis (i.e. death in family, Stress, finances, etc) your wondering what you should do. I guess we should put a hold on all of these goals, right? Let me ask a you a question; why would you stop pursuing your goals? You knew life would continue and this would be hard, why stop now? Why would we halt on doing something that is changing or benefiting us? If anything these practices are keeping you sane, healthy, and reducing stress.
- We eat A LOT of food during the times when we get stressed or depressed. Why do we do that? I don't have a super physiological answer but more so a answer from anecdotal experience. When our body goes into a "stressful" state; it's preparing for something. Fear, sadness, or anxiety get's the body into a "flight or fight" response. What happens when we get into this "survival mode?" The body screams eat more food! It's preparing for something so it want's all the energy it can get so it can get ready for the season of starvation or situation to survive. The body without your say is constantly FIGHTING TO LIVE!
- Food suppresses these feelings we have psychologically for a short time period . I know life comes and goes; we get upset or de-motivated; than we all of sudden decide to destroy our value! Why? Stop hating yourself for the mishaps in not being a perfect soul in dieting/fitness. Get over it and Get busy! Go release that tension and stress!
- Sitting around and over-consuming on food is KILLING YOU. I know this may sound harsh but seriously it's the worst thing you can do; regardless of weight loss/muscle gaining goals. Just MOVE, EAT NUTRITIOUS FOODS, SCREAM/VENT. Keeping it all inside is just deteriorating you, literally.
- Sure, you may have to fly somewhere or got other things to do; that's fine. Also it's fine to self reflect and take a look at things in a bigger light/picture. There is also no reason why you can't self reflect while lifting, running/walking, and creating a meal to uplift your spirits and not hate yourself. Keep your value fresh and renewed. Your body can be the cure for heart break, depression, anger, etc.
- One last thing; an example of my own. I'd rather not get super personal but my mind/heart is screaming out of passion to help anyone and everyone with these paradigms or fears. My mother died when I was 15 due to suicide. Most heart-breaking thing ever. I had to make a choice; I could of wallowed in self-pity for the rest of my life OR I could choose to conquer life and become what my mother wanted me to become. It was a Decision. You have the control. You give it up when you just sit and eat yourself into a hole of depression. Don't do it. See a professional or consult a family member, stop trying to be a super human.
- I talk like this because I HAVE BEEN THERE and so have many others I have encountered in my life. We need to utilize the preventative abilities we possess against Psychological/Physiological/
Spiritual Sicknesses. We do this through action, temperance, and education.
3. True Practices must be in place
- Deficit
- Life has been proven to be prolonged when we are in a deficit or have consumed less food than what we need. It cleans the system and keeps the body from excess storage. A deficit must be in place for weight loss to occur.
- Rehabilitation/Recovery
- Resting/Stretching/
Mobilization all improve your ability to function and to prevent future movement issues and help prevent the body from hurting itself. Get your sleep. Stretch properly. Mobilize many different movements of the body -> I use a foam roller to smooth (massage) out my muscles from being over-intensified from heavy weights. Treat your body to the recovery and movement it needs. We sit too much and don't give our body full-range of motion.
- Activity
- Again, we sit to much and don't jump around enough and get that body circulating. Your body stiffens up and things start to slowly get messed up. For instance we have heard or possess these problems. "I have a bad back." "I can't move like that it hurts this." "I was doing this and this occured." many, many issues. I will say some are genetic, accidental, and etc. OF COURSE life happens. I do know; these things can be fixed or improved by simply getting active and just move to get things done!
- Macro/Micro Nutrient Timing
- Probably the most important true practices to adhere to.
- Protein needs (depending on goals) should be met daily to maintain lean-body-mass and to benefit you in so many ways and to keep you satiated.
- Cycling periods of Over and Under-feeding is vital and should become your life-style.
- There is a time and place to over-feed and under-feed. Stop gorging yourself; there is no need for it all the time.
- A treat is a treat -> TREAT IT LIKE A TREAT
- Why are you hungry all the time? Because your lacking proper nutrient consumption/timing
- There is a time to refeed with a large load of carbohydrates. This can be due to glycogen depletion, prolonged dieting, leptin needs to be reset.
- Additionally you may just need a diet-break; stop dieting and eat normal (Maintenance) for a week or two.
- You need to supply ample amount of protein and carbohydrates pre-workout so we can yield the results we want. Than eat good post-workout meals to refill/rebuild your body.
- We need goals to regulate how much we consume and when. (FAT LOSS/MUSCLE BUILDING/MUSCLE RETENTION/ENDURANCE)
- Combine the right foods together: Plenty of Veggies, large amount of protein; and a piece of fruit so you DON'T GET SO HUNGRY
- If you just eat a donut and some milk, no wonder why you eat 5 more donuts, it is not filling and neither does it possess all the nutrients you need!
- Better yet; EAT THAT DONUT with some fruit/veggies/and some protein!
- It's not the DONUT that is bad; it's the 5-6 DONUTS that are bad!
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